[imp] IMP and External Single Sign On systems

Ryan Gallagher ryan@studiesabroad.com
Thu, 18 Jul 2002 15:27:54 -0500

Quoting Duane Currie <Duane.Currie@acadiau.ca>:

> Does anyone have any experience with integrating IMP with any external
> authentication systems?

We sorta went the opposite route of what you describe... adjusting all our
existing systems to authenticate using HORDE, and delivering them as a portal
inside the horde application window.

It's kinda scary, we've even got a coldfusion website authenticating and being
delivered from an internal 2kServer through Apache under linux via Proxy
passing.  yeeps

Using LDAP as the main authentication method is what faciliates this.  On that
subject, anyone know if there's a hacked copy of GNUMailMan floating around to
authenticate against LDAP?  We want to add a horde portal for getting to users
list configurations next.

Ryan T. Gallagher
International Studies Abroad