[imp] General modifying of horde apps look and feel

eculp at encontacto.net eculp at encontacto.net
Sat Feb 15 18:14:52 PST 2003

Quoting Ryan Booker <ryan at buzzeddie.com>:

 | Now that I have horde up and running, I want to change the general layout
 | and
 | appearance.
 | I know there is basic CSS in the html.php files.  However I want to do more.
 | Change layouts etc.
 | I assumed that modifying the "templates" (being careful not to remove
 | anything
 | that is required of course, and after backing them up) would achieve this.
 | I started simple and modified the templates/login/login.inc file, uploaded
 | it,
 | logged out, emptied cache etc etc.  However I found no change the login page
 | still looked identical to before.
 | Am I approaching this correctly?

Are you trying to do something like the screenshots in the following


These screen shots were taken before the new menu and the sketchy howto
isn't up to date and is very poorly written, but it might give you a few 
ideas.  I've actually made a lot of changes after the new menu was added. 
I need to redo the whole thing.  but . . . . .  



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