[agora] Templates

Jon Wood jon at jellybob.co.uk
Tue Apr 1 18:16:49 PST 2003

On Tue, 2003-04-01 at 19:11, Chuck Hagenbuch wrote:
> Quoting Jon Wood <jon at jellybob.co.uk>:
> > This one cleans up the templates, so that the menus are consistent with
> > the menus for other Horde apps (title on the left, icons right aligned),
> > and puts the description for each forum in a less intrusive place.
> Which apps are you making this consistent with? Title on the left, icons
> right aligned is a minority of our apps, if any of them...
I may have got left and right swapped round... it's the same way round
as the summary/administration screens, which apart from Giapeto are the
only other thing I have installed right now.


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