[ansel] 2 Errors

Ben Chavet ben at chavet.net
Tue Dec 16 15:28:48 PST 2003

Are you using the latest HEAD CVS code for horde and framework?

Quoting Jason Lohrenz <jmlohren at glmmn.com>:

> When I have my options set to tile view, I get a
> Line 23 Conditional compliation is turned off
> Line 98 same error
> Line 107 same error
> Then the screen finally loads but there are no pictures listed (just an X -
> gallery preview)
> If I go into a gallery that I have uploaded, the same occurs, none of the
> pictures show.
> If I change the view to list I don't get the above conditional errors, but
> the pictures still don't show.
> If I do the option to download all the pics in a zip file it works fine and
> all of the pictures are in the zip file, so I know they are being stored on
> the system.
> Any help, or ideas on where to look would be appreciated.
> p.s. I had to change a line in several of the files to get ansel to work
> correctly.  It was looking for, in the HORD_LIBS area 'Horde/Text.php'.  I
> had to change it to 'Text.php' instead for it to work.
> Jason Lohrenz
> IT Manager
> Pacific Medicaid Services
> --
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