[ansel] Patch for user pref image type

Heath S. Hendrickson heath at outerspaceconsultants.com
Tue Jan 20 12:45:24 PST 2004

Chuck Hagenbuch wrote:

>Quoting "Heath S. Hendrickson" <heath at outerspaceconsultants.com>:
>>As it's set up now, the only choices listed are both available in IM and
>... *IF*, and ONLY if, you've compiled it in. That's far from guaranteed.
True, but what are the image manipulation options in the Horde framework 
currently?  GD and ImageMagik are the only ones' I've seen (correct me 
if I'm wrong).  So to do anything with images (and hence use Ansel), the 
user needs either GD support compiled in or access to IM's convert 
program.  Both of which will most likely support both PNG and JPEG for 
the forseeable future (and probably support for JPEG2000 pretty soon).

>Also, the fact that ansel works currently makes your argument about needing JPEG
>support bull.
Ansel works currently because it's using either GD (required to be 
compiled into PHP) or ImageMagik.  For Ansel to be useable to anyone in 
the real world, it _has_ to support JPEG files.  period.  Feel free to 
remove JPEG support from Horde and see how many people complain.  Most 
people on the web use PNG as a replacement for GIF, not JPEG (because 
JPEG doesn't support layers or transparency).  If you can find a single 
digital camera on the market today or planned for in the next year that 
writes it's files in PNG format, I'll shut up and sit down.  I'm not 
sure I understand how you reached your conclusion based on "ansel works 

>I agree with Ben that a conf option makes sense, but definitely not a
I'm fine with that, it was just easiset for me to make it a user 
preference.  Having it at the system level is probably good as the only 
person that's really going to care is the administrator.  The only 
exception are people that like to right-click on an image to download it 
(yeah, there's a nifty link to download the full image, I know, I know).

Anyway, if you want, I can submit a patch for a conf option if that 
would make everyone happier.  I just wanted the ability to select 
somewhere what format the created images were in...

I'm not _trying_ to be difficult or confrontational.  My sole intent is 
to give a little back wherever I can, no matter how small.


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