[ansel] $_prefs['listmefirst'] broke

Ben Chavet ben at chavet.net
Wed Jan 21 18:46:59 PST 2004

The 'showmefirst' was a feature that I had implemented a while ago, but the
implementation was so poor that we yanked it.  The latest CVS doesn't even have
the pref anymore. It is a feature that I would like to see return, but have not
had the opportunity to re-implement.


Quoting Mike Bydalek <mbydalek at zivix.com>:

> Just pointing out that this doesn't work:
> $_prefs['listmefirst'] = array(
>     'value' => true,
> "My Galleries" still shows up at the bottom.  Sorry for not sending a patch,
> but I'm not too familiar with Ansel :(
> -Mike
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