[ansel] lib/Gallery.php patch for date-uploaded change

Heath S. Hendrickson heath at outerspaceconsultants.com
Wed May 19 08:05:06 PDT 2004

Chuck Hagenbuch wrote:

> Substring date searches just don't make much sense to me, though. 
> Would be much
> more intuitive to have the user pick two dates and do a BETWEEN 
> search, or have
> a date and do before or after. All of which is easily done with 
> timestamps.
How else would you search for all images that have a date-uploaded of 
5/15/2004?  I'm not going to argue that there is a use for BETWEEN and 
BEFORE/AFTER searches when it comes to date, but how do you return all 
images on a single date?  Force the user to enter the same date twice 
and do a BETWEEN search?  And even then, you'll still have to return all 
the images and convert the timecode in PHP to be able to a single date 
search.  I'm assuming that you would automatically make the time 
00:00:00 for any date entered, right?  So to get a single date you'd 
have to do a BETWEEN search with the date you want first and the day 
after as the second date.

And to make it even more complex, the EXIF date fields are stored in 
another format altogether (2004:03:26 20:16:08).

Since we can't change the way that the EXIF data is stored in the 
images, perhaps we should use that format to store the date values?

> Just in framework/Help/Help.php, I guess.

That's what I did.  I added handlers for the table tags (table, tr, 
td).  I'll send in a patch in a bit.


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