[ansel] Including subgalleries in recent images block and/or API call?

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Mon Mar 24 18:54:39 UTC 2008

Quoting Michael Rubinsky <mrubinsk at horde.org>:

> I didn't have a strong reason for this, other than allowing more  
> fine  grained control over what is and is not included in the  
> results. To a  lesser extent, for the block it seemed like it might  
> be confusing for  a user to understand that if even though gallery A  
> and Gallery SubA  are listed separately in the drop down, selecting  
> Gallery A could show  pictures from Gallery SubA. I'd prefer it to  
> be switched with a  parameter if possible, but other than that I  
> don't have a strong  feeling about it.

Makes sense - I can do the call to get subgalleries first.

>> Also, any objections to letting the API calls accept either IDs or
>> slugs, distinguishing based on numeric vs. string data?
> Sounds good...

I went ahead and put a ticket in for this since I'm not about to do it  
this afternoon (sadly).

> by coincidence I'm in the middle of working in the api  as well, but  
> can't commit at the moment due to cvs.h.o being down at  the moment.  
> Just so we don't step on each other's changes - I'm  changing the  
> getRecentImage api call so it returns an array of hashes  instead of  
> Ansel_Image objects to be consistent with the listImages  call - not  
> to mention there are lots of things that wouldn't work  properly if  
> methods were called from outside ansel's scope).

Makes sense, thanks.


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