[ansel] Another Bug

David Cummings lupinsansei_st at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 24 02:50:02 UTC 2008

Thanx!!! Found another while calling getGalleries:
Notice:  Undefined property:  Ansel_Gallery::$_data in /srv/vhost/sites/www.metal.com/apps/ansel/lib/api.php on line 787
The offending code is:
$galleries[$gallery->id] = $gallery->_data;
And sure enough Ansel_Gallery doesn't have that attribute; my guess was that line was intended to just return the $gallery itself so I patched it:
$galleries[$gallery->id] = $gallery; //$gallery->_data;

I'm hoping this is what was intended as after I made the changes I was able to keep coding with the  data I wanted being returned which in this case was simply an object of Ansel_Gallery for my gallery.

Also, I didn't follow the last post; it was stated that the bug in Ansel was corrected but when I re installed the latest HEAD the correction wasn't there so I had to patch based on what was on the link you sent (Mike). Obviously I've misunderstood something.

Lastly; I'm unclear on how the 'page' attribute works for methods like getGalleries; I'm passing right  now a generic value of 'gallery.php' where that String correlates to the gallery page I've setup with custom calls to renderView. But I know I'm not clear on when attribute 'page' is used and what to assign it (BTW this was after reading through the Views/Gallery.php doc.

Thanks again.



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