[ansel] Question about Nikkon Raw Images (NEF) and ansel

Michael Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Sun May 24 20:30:04 UTC 2009

Quoting Helmut Schiefer <Helmut at 4Schiefer.de>:

> Hi Folk,
> first of all, I love the great application ansel. In the next month  
> I'll put all my photos in it.

Great!! Glad you like it.

> But now my question. Is it possible to store Nikkon Raw Images as  
> the original date and ansel do a convert into jpg? If any user wish  
> to download the original he should get the raw image.

This is not possible with our current code. There are a few possible  
issues with this.  I know the ImagickLibrary (which Ansel can make use  
of) can understand and convert from various raw formats, but the PHP  
functions that we use to verify an image was uploaded do not.  The  
other, bigger issue, is that currently we use the original image to  
display directly in the browser in certain cases (like when cropping  
and resizing) so in order to do this, if we somehow get over the  
limitation above, we would need to store both the RAW and the full  
size, converted, web friendly image. That would be a huge storage  
requirement...add to this the number of different flavors of raw files  
and support for that becomes somewhat nightmarish.


The Horde Project (www.horde.org)
mrubinsk at horde.org

"Time just hates me. That's why it made me an adult." - Josh Joplin

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