[ansel] General question

Jan Seynaeve jan.seynaeve at telenet.be
Tue Nov 17 15:29:05 UTC 2009

Wow, that's a whole bunch of reply, thx.

Some remarks back ;-)

i don't think it's that impossible for using the FTP-folder (or any  
local folder) for the original pic. I'm sure Ansel makes a lot of  
other stuff out of the original (thumb, view for the page, ...). In  
fact, if i look at my VFS (which i put to disk), for each photo you  
have directories faces/full/mini/screen/thumb. You could replace the  
pic under 'full' by a link to the original one in the FTP folder and  
of course make the others as usual. I can imagine this approach would  
be a bit harder if VFS is set to SQL, but i don't think it's impossible

i will surely check out the 'recursive_import.php', this is just what  
one would need to import pics from an ftp folder without keeping the  
ftp folder for the original. One could just make that script available  
trough the GUI of ansel ... i might even have a look at it, although i  
have only limited knowledge about the horde structure, it should be  
interesting learning a bit more about it ;-)

WebDAV indeed could also be interesting, must have a look how that one  
works ...


PS.: any idea when horde4 will be released? I'd like to try it, but  
i'm not so into GIT for the moment :)

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Date: Mon, 16 Nov 2009 14:57:59 +0100
From: Jan Seynaeve <jan.seynaeve at telenet.be>
To: ansel at lists.horde.org
Subject: [ansel] General question
         <20091116145759.2031474r8if7bszk at palinghuizen.homelinux.org>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; DelSp="Yes";


I just installed Ansel in my Horde3-webmail edition and must say I like it.

I was just wondering if there are any plans for having "locale file
system" as a possibility for uploading photo's (well, it wouldn't be
exactly uploading anymore, but you get the point). This way, one can
use (s)ftp or whatever other method to bulk upload files to the server
and then 'locally'  choose which photoos he'd like in the album.
Maybe also with an option to copy the photo over or just use a link to
the original file, so the user/admin can decide whether to clear out
the ftp directory or not.

And while we're on it, any plans for video support?


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Message: 2
Date: Mon, 16 Nov 2009 09:53:20 -0500
From: "Michael J. Rubinsky" <mrubinsk at horde.org>
To: ansel at lists.horde.org
Subject: Re: [ansel] General question
Message-ID: <20091116095320.Horde.sog4g8cccg00 at localhost>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed; DelSp=Yes

Quoting Jan Seynaeve <jan.seynaeve at telenet.be>:

I just installed Ansel in my Horde3-webmail edition and must say I like it.

I was just wondering if there are any plans for having "locale file
system" as a possibility for uploading photo's (well, it wouldn't be
exactly uploading anymore, but you get the point). This way, one can
use (s)ftp or whatever other method to bulk upload files to the
server and then 'locally'  choose which photoos he'd like in the
Maybe also with an option to copy the photo over or just use a link
to the original file, so the user/admin can decide whether to clear
out the ftp directory or not.
If I understand you correctly, you want to be able to FTP images to
the server running Ansel, and have some mechanism in Ansel to choose
what images to add to your galleries from that directory - and
possibly serve the images directly out of the FTP directory? The first
point would be a nightmare to maintain, if it was even possible. There
are lots of issues with that approach.  The second point wouldn't work
at all with how Ansel generates the image views and uses the Virtual
File System.  There *is* a FTP driver for VFS, but Ansel would still
need to generate the images that you see, it hardly ever uses the
original image for display purposes.

If you are looking for ways to make uploading easier, there are a
number of other options though. First, if you *do* have your image
files on the same box as Ansel, and have command line access to that
box, there is a php script in the ansel/scripts folder called
'recursive_import.php' that will do a batch "upload" to ansel. If your
images are on a different box, you can use the 'remote_import.php'
script to do the same thing.  If you are on windows, Ansel supports
XPPublish. On the Mac, there is an apple script interface to the
command line scripts "AnselPublish.scpt" that lets you drop a folder
of images onto the script icon to upload to the ansel server.  If you
use iPhoto or Aperture on OS X 10.1 or greater, there are export
plugins available in our horde-hatchery git repository that are fairly
close to being stable (it's what I use almost exclusively for
uploading to Ansel).
And while we're on it, any plans for video support?
Yup, for Horde 4 / Ansel 2.  http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/7661


The Horde Project (www.horde.org)
mrubinsk at horde.org


Message: 3
Date: Mon, 16 Nov 2009 16:23:38 +0100
From: Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>
To: ansel at lists.horde.org
Subject: Re: [ansel] General question
Message-ID: <20091116162338.795741zyja8yqbgg at neo.wg.de>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; DelSp="Yes";

Zitat von "Michael J. Rubinsky" <mrubinsk at horde.org>:
Quoting Jan Seynaeve <jan.seynaeve at telenet.be>:

I just installed Ansel in my Horde3-webmail edition and must say I like it.

I was just wondering if there are any plans for having "locale file
system" as a possibility for uploading photo's (well, it wouldn't
be exactly uploading anymore, but you get the point). This way, one
can use (s)ftp or whatever other method to bulk upload files to the
server and then 'locally'  choose which photoos he'd like in the
Maybe also with an option to copy the photo over or just use a link
to the original file, so the user/admin can decide whether to clear
out the ftp directory or not.
If I understand you correctly, you want to be able to FTP images to
the server running Ansel, and have some mechanism in Ansel to choose
what images to add to your galleries from that directory - and
possibly serve the images directly out of the FTP directory? The
first point would be a nightmare to maintain, if it was even
possible. There are lots of issues with that approach.  The second
point wouldn't work at all with how Ansel generates the image views
and uses the Virtual File System.  There *is* a FTP driver for VFS,
but Ansel would still need to generate the images that you see, it
hardly ever uses the original image for display purposes.

If you are looking for ways to make uploading easier, there are a
number of other options though. First, if you *do* have your image
files on the same box as Ansel, and have command line access to that
box, there is a php script in the ansel/scripts folder called
'recursive_import.php' that will do a batch "upload" to ansel. If
your images are on a different box, you can use the
'remote_import.php' script to do the same thing.  If you are on
windows, Ansel supports XPPublish. On the Mac, there is an apple
script interface to the command line scripts "AnselPublish.scpt"
that lets you drop a folder of images onto the script icon to upload
to the ansel server.  If you use iPhoto or Aperture on OS X 10.1 or
greater, there are export plugins available in our horde-hatchery
git repository that are fairly close to being stable (it's what I
use almost exclusively for uploading to Ansel).
Finally, there is also a WebDAV interface which may assemble the
closest of what you want, since you can use any WebDAV-capable file
browser to upload files. Though I'm honestly not sure how stable this
interface is, atm.

Btw, Michael, all these options should be documented in a central
place like the wiki or the online help.


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