[ansel] General question

Michael J. Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Tue Nov 17 15:54:18 UTC 2009

Quoting Jan Seynaeve <jan.seynaeve at telenet.be>:

> Wow, that's a whole bunch of reply, thx.
> Some remarks back ;-)
> i don't think it's that impossible for using the FTP-folder (or any  
> local folder) for the original pic. I'm sure Ansel makes a lot of  
> other stuff out of the original (thumb, view for the page, ...). In  
> fact, if i look at my VFS (which i put to disk), for each photo you  
> have directories faces/full/mini/screen/thumb. You could replace the  
> pic under 'full' by a link to the original one in the FTP folder and  
> of course make the others as usual. I can imagine this approach  
> would be a bit harder if VFS is set to SQL, but i don't think it's  
> impossible

One problem is that there is nothing saying that the VFS exists on the  
same filesystem, let alone the same box, as the Horde install. Not to  
mention the fact that if the actual, original image exists in the  
user's FTP folder, it's possible for the user to delete it - if it's  
in the VFS, the deletion would have to be done through Ansel. Also,  
the webserver would need write/delete permissions to the user's FTP  
directory, since there are some cases where the original file needs to  
be edited.

Another problem is with ownership.  How would you ensure that the  
correct Horde account has access to the correct FTP folder? Keep in  
mind that the auth that horde uses doesn't have to be the same as the  
system or ftp server. In fact, its very common for horde accounts to  
have no matching user account on the server.

> i will surely check out the 'recursive_import.php', this is just  
> what one would need to import pics from an ftp folder without  
> keeping the ftp folder for the original.

  One could just make that script
> available trough the GUI of ansel ...

It's a CLI script that will refuse to run via the web browser, you  
would need to trigger it running in a shell, and of course, it needs  
the user's horde username and password passed to it.

i might even have a look at it,
> although i have only limited knowledge about the horde structure, it  
> should be interesting learning a bit more about it ;-)
> WebDAV indeed could also be interesting, must have a look how that  
> one works ...

I haven't looked at the webdav support in a while, but last time I  
tried it, there was basic support for adding an image to an exiting  
gallery - though I do remember there being some issues.

> Cheers,
> Jan.
> PS.: any idea when horde4 will be released?

When it's ready ;)
Seriously, though, no concrete time frame at this point.

> I'd like to try it, but i'm not so into GIT for the moment :)

Well, if you ever feel adventurous, there are some instructions on  
getting git horde installed correctly on the horde wiki. It's not  
super easy, but it's not that difficult either.


The Horde Project (www.horde.org)
mrubinsk at horde.org

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