[ansel] jpeg problems

Randy Ridley ansel at anr.net
Thu Sep 20 10:30:44 UTC 2012

Yep, that was it. The vfs backend was set to Horde Defaults. I changed  
it to local filesystem and it workes on all of my jpegs now.

It runs pretty slow, and had trouble editing the photos, but the  
server is getting long in the tooth and needs to be upgraded. I'll  
worry about the little things like that after a hardware upgrade in a  
couple of months.

It's a very nice and simple photo gallery system and the face  
recognition is VERY cool.


Quoting Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>:

> Sounds to me like you are using a SQL driven VFS backend that simply  
> cannot handle the size of your pictures. Anything else would be  
> follow-up problems then.
> -- 
> Jan Schneider
> The Horde Project
> http://www.horde.org/

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