[board] May 2008 Horde Board Meeting

Ben Klang ben at alkaloid.net
Tue May 6 16:25:11 UTC 2008

Thanks all for coming out to the May board meeting.  Attached is a  
log of our meeting.  Here is the executive summary:

* A goal has been established to release Horde 3.2 this month,  
ideally before LinuxTag starts in Berlin.
* Jan Schneider is looking for feedback and assistance creating new  
Horde marketing material.  Those wishing to contribute should contact  
him directly.
* Of the 5 remaining Showstopper bugs, only 2 need significant work  
done (of the other 3, one may not be a showstopper, one can not be  
recreated, and one is almost closed).
* A new project has been created to redesign the Horde public  
website.  Please see http://wiki.horde.org/Project/HordeWeb to get  

I look forward to seeing you all next time for the Horde Board  
meeting.  That meeting will be on Tuesday, June 3rd 2008 at 11am EST  
(3PM UTC) in the same #horde-board on Freenode IRC.

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Ben Klang
Alkaloid Networks LLC
ben at alkaloid.net

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