[Tickets #2212] RESOLVED: Inconsistent folder refresh location
bugs at bugs.horde.org
Mon Jul 4 05:24:02 PDT 2005
Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/?id=2212
Ticket | 2212
Updated By | kevin_myer at iu13.org
Summary | Inconsistent folder refresh location
Queue | IMP
Version | HEAD
State | Bogus
Priority | 1. Low
Type | Bug
Owners |
kevin_myer at iu13.org (2005-07-04 05:24) wrote:
>> Maybe because whats intuitive to developers may not be intuitive to
>> normal end-users, and vice versa?
Let me clarify that. It wasn't intended to be a flame. I think from time
to time we all get tunnel vision. Developers make decisions based on what
they think or want. Admins configure software with settings that, after
testing, reveal that they need to be changed, based on user-feedback. And
users want features (now) that do XYZ because they see XYZ elsewhere, or
because thats the way they've always done things. Why these decisions are
oft-times unintuitive is a) developers don't always fully vette their ideas
with real non-technical end-users, b) admins don't use a wide-enough
audience in determining initial settings, and c) end-users have unreasonable
expectations about what it takes to develop software, and in some cases, the
way they do things is just plain wrong. Hence, from time to time (not
intended to be a blanket statement) what's intuitive to one group is not
intuitive to another.
> Alright, obviously you're frustrated. However:
> a). I'd say that more than 50% of your requests/suggestions/etc. have
> been implemented, if not better.
> b). The above is downright insulting. Sometimes developers are out of
> touch with users, but most of the core developers use IMP as their
> primary and/or only email client. I fix crap all the time in IMP and
> other Horde apps because it bugs me - as a user. We respond to
> requests from users - like you - all the time. ...
Not intended to be insulting, and again, not intended to be a blanket
statement, as clarified above. That will learn me to wait until I'm not so
frustrated, to respond, so that the proper modifiers and qualifiers make it
into a statement.
>> Obviously, I must be the only one in the world who has run into this
>> problem,
>> as obviously I must be the only one in the world who thinks the
>> behavior is inconsistent too (2211). It isn't quite noone, but onlyone
>> has taken the time to document and report it).
> Uh, 2211 is open.
Yes, just making light of the fact that I don't think that using the
argument that noone has reported it is a valid argument. I can certainly
see where noone else may agree with an idea, in which case it either dies or
is refined. But the fact that noone has reported it doesn't mean a lot.
Thats a little bit insulting to first time bug reporters, who take the time
to formally document a bug.
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