[Tickets #2212] RESOLVED: Inconsistent folder refresh location

bugs@bugs.horde.org bugs at bugs.horde.org
Mon Jul 4 06:12:01 PDT 2005


Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/?id=2212
 Ticket             | 2212
 Updated By         | kevin_myer at iu13.org
 Summary            | Inconsistent folder refresh location
 Queue              | IMP
 Version            | HEAD
 State              | Bogus
 Priority           | 1. Low
 Type               | Bug
 Owners             | 

kevin_myer at iu13.org (2005-07-04 06:11) wrote:

>> If you go and read one of those messages, and are ready to move onto the
>> location of the next unread message, how do you do that?
> I'll posit that this is an entirely different issue than how the 
> refresh icon behaves. You want a direct way to go to the next unread 
> message. Using the INBOX icon or a refresh is a developer-like 
> workaround IMHO, not normal user behavior. A normal user wants a 
> button for it.

Not necessarily.  I know that if I open a folder, I can expect  to be taken
to the first unread message (or the end of the messages, if I have no unread
messages).  I'm looking at a generalized implementation of the behavior of
the INBOX icon and since you've already got a Refresh, rather than take up
any more screen real estate, roll the functionality into refresh.  I'll
grant that there will likely be users who dont' set mailbox_start to first
unread, but who would still use a navigation feature to go to the next
unread message.  But I still think that Refresh should incorporate the
mailbox_start preference.  

> That's a not unreasonable feature request. It's sometimes going to be 
> tricky to define the "next" new message, but the sort order should 
> handle it. If we can figure out a good UI/flow for it and someone 
> writes the code, I have no problem including it.

Wouldn't it be using the same logic to determine which screen to display
when you initially open a folder?  The message you initially were taken to
is now read (if you chose to read it).  So getting the next unread message
would be the same as choosing a folder, no?

> So, if one of your "normal users" is looking at a specific set of 
> messages in the mailbox view, and an automatic refresh happens, and 
> they're taken to new mail and they then have to go *find* the 
> messages they were looking at  I don't think that will ever be 
> intuitive, even for someone who checked off "always show me new 
> mail". They *might* make the connection, but they'll still be annoyed.

Its happened to me on more than one occasion, with some annoyance, granted. 
But the fact of the matter is that I believe most mail clients, when they
refresh, will reset the state of your view.  I find myself trying to figure
out how to get to next screen with an unread message way more often than I
find my screen getting refreshed when I'm reading senders and subjects.  If
I configure a mail client to take me to new mail, thats a choice I make, and
I realize a mail client can't possibly know what my conscious thought stream
is and elect not to refresh a screen, if I happen to be looking at it :)

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