[Tickets #4434] NEW: Possible Memory Leak when editing conf.xml

bugs@bugs.horde.org bugs at bugs.horde.org
Tue Sep 19 05:15:43 PDT 2006


Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/?id=4434
 Ticket             | 4434
 Created By         | final at skilled.ch
 Summary            | Possible Memory Leak when editing conf.xml
 Queue              | Horde Framework Packages
 Version            | HEAD
 Type               | Enhancement
 State              | New
 Priority           | 2. Medium
 Owners             | 

final at skilled.ch (2006-09-19 05:15) wrote:

Hi there,

Probably you guys don't really care about this since it was an error
produced by me, but I feel like telling you.

When you have a (in my sight) quite small error in a conf.xml, it can lead
to a complete memory leak and in the end my server crashed completely. I
had a similar tag to this in my conf.xml:

<configstring name="bla" desc="blabla"/>default</configstring>

if you look close, you see the "two" tag closing slashes. one at the end
of the <configstring ... /> tag and of course the </configstring> tag its

however, if you call up admin/setup/config.php for the application which
will load a conf.xml containing the line above, horde is (i guess) ending
up in an endless loop using up all the memory very rapidly. 

Since horde test.php wanted to have no memory limit, i gave it no memory
limit (i've set the memory_limit to -1 in virtual host conf of apache) -
this was fatal. As I wrote before, the whole server crashed cause it run
out of memory...

this isn't quite a bug because in the end it was an error i generated in
the xml file and maybe you guys go like "well, if you change anything
yourself, you're responsible for it". but this is an error which can
happen so easily and can have such a fatal ending. so i posted it as an

for my part, i've now limited horde's memory to 128MB.

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