[Tickets #6793] Re: sidebar_width

bugs at horde.org bugs at horde.org
Thu Jun 5 12:53:00 UTC 2008


Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/6793
 Ticket             | 6793
 Updated By         | rsalmon at mbpgroup.com
 Summary            | sidebar_width
 Queue              | DIMP
 Version            | 1.0
 Type               | Enhancement
 State              | Feedback
 Priority           | 1. Low
 Milestone          |
 Patch              |
 Owners             |

rsalmon at mbpgroup.com (2008-06-05 08:52) wrote:

>> Is it possible to allow the frame to be resize dynamically: removing
>> noresize="noresize" ?
> This is not a frame, so no.

Is it possible to resize the div sidebarPanel (or is it an other element?)
the same way as it is working for the div element previewPane (or may be it
is splitBar) ?

>>>> #2 - I don't think we should be expanding the sidebar.  I think a
>>>> tooltip/mouseover title for long mailbox names should suffice.
>>> And we would have to cut it off at some point anyway, otherwise users
>>> are going to kill their screen layout if they have very long folder
>>> names. A tooltip would great.
>> I don't think you should cut it off. If the user can't see the
>> folder's full name in the sidebar and the tooltip doesn't show the
>> full name ether, then is there a point in having a tooltip?
>> The mouseover thing sounds good, but will it work when doing
>> drag&drop emails?
> The tooltip *is* a mouseover effect, and no, it won't work while
> dragging, if I'm not wrong.

Then I gess this easier way to solve this is to allow user to customize
the size of their sidebar?

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