[Tickets #6838] Re: When assigning people responsible for a new queue, I select them from the dropdown and then when saved, my email is repeated once for each assignment.

bugs at horde.org bugs at horde.org
Thu Jun 5 14:57:51 UTC 2008


Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/6838
 Ticket             | 6838
 Updated By         | eculp at encontacto.net
 Summary            | When assigning people responsible for a new queue,  I
select them from
                    | the dropdown and then when saved, my email is repeated
once for each
                    | assignment.
 Queue              | Whups
 Type               | Bug
 State              | Duplicate
 Priority           | 1. Low
 Milestone          |
 Patch              |
 Owners             |

eculp at encontacto.net (2008-06-05 10:57) wrote:

> This is an exact duplicate of your old ticket that no one else was
> ever able to reproduce. If you can help someone reproduce it, great,
 > but please don't open duplicate tickets.

Sorry, I'm not sure if I should close this one.  In the meantime, to try
and narrow down the problem, I have erased the installed framework in pear
and in the cvs co, all the whups tables, and the whups co and have done new
checkouts of all, reconfigured whups, and reinstalled the new framework
just to eliminate anything stale.  The problem still persists.  I am now
going to do the same with horde and turba, especially hooks to try and find
any old configurations that are causing the problem.  I am going to use
this ticket to keep a registry of what I have done and for any suggestions
that anyone might have.

Testing after the above display's the same as the screenshot, but I
happened to du a mysqldump and found that the database is correct:
   LOCK TABLES `whups_queues_users` WRITE;
   /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `whups_queues_users` DISABLE KEYS */;
   INSERT INTO `whups_queues_users` VALUES \

(1,'aodria at casasponti.net'),(1,'eculp at casasponti.net'),(1,'rrodriguez at casasponti.net');
   /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `whups_queues_users` ENABLE KEYS */;
The display still shows eculp at casasponti.net three times.  Little by
little, I plan to erase module by module and build all new configurations
until I find the problem.

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