[Tickets #6838] Re: When assigning people responsible for a new queue, I select them from the dropdown and then when saved, my email is repeated once for each assignment.

bugs at horde.org bugs at horde.org
Wed Jul 30 13:37:15 UTC 2008


Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/6838
  Ticket             | 6838
  Updated By         | eculp at encontacto.net
  Summary            | When assigning people responsible for a new queue,  I
                     | select them from the dropdown and then when saved, my
                     | email is repeated once for each assignment.
  Queue              | Whups
  Type               | Bug
  State              | Duplicate
  Priority           | 1. Low
  Milestone          |
  Patch              |
  Owners             |

eculp at encontacto.net (2008-07-30 09:37) wrote:

I finally figured out that it is using the current user ID for all  
assigned emails as en:
Se ha añadido a aodria at casasponti.net <cmorando at casasponti.net> a los  
encargados de "cambio"
where I logged in as cmorando at casasponti.net and assigned the  
"cambios" queue to aodria at casasponti.net.  The email will obviously be  
sent to cmorando at casasponti.net.

Now I have to figure out where that is being assigned.

> To make very long and unproductive story as short as possible, I will
> not include all the history but the most recent discovery.
> I am still suffering with this and after starting with all new -
> database, programs, configuration - it was ok for a bit but is doing
> it again.  I'm convenced that the problem isn' t whups but somewhere
> else.  I am now thinking it has to do with turba and my ldap
> configuration.  For example, when I look at a ticket that has been
> assigned to three people, it shows up as:
> Owners  	Edwin L (dot) Culp <eculp (at) casasponti (dot) net>,
> rrodriguez (at) casasponti (dot) net <eculp (at) casasponti (dot)
> net>, smartinez (at) casasponti (dot) net <eculp (at) casasponti
> (dot) net>
> With my email enclosed with <> after each assignee but the database
> for the same ticket shows:
> 2  	user:eculp at casasponti.net
> 2 	user:rrodriguez at casasponti.net
> 2 	user:smartinez at casasponti.net
> which is correct.
> after making a comment the email is sent as per the following maillog:
> -------------------------- first ------------------------------------
> Jul 30 06:26:15 casasponti courierd:
> started,id=00130C6A.48904FD7.0000704C,from=<webmaster at casasponti.net>,module=local,host=eculp at casasponti.net!!80!80!/h
> ome/virtual/casasponti.net/eculp!!20000000S,addr=<eculp at casasponti.net>
> Jul 30 06:26:15 casasponti courierd: Waiting.  shutdown time=none,
> wakeup time=Wed Jul 30 06:42:30 2008, queuedelivering=3, inprogress=1
> Jul 30 06:26:15 casasponti courierlocal:
> id=00130C6A.48904FD7.0000704C,from=<webmaster at casasponti.net>,addr=<eculp at casasponti.net>,size=2456,success:
> Messa
> ge delivered.
> ------------------------------ second ----------------------------
> Jul 30 06:26:15 casasponti courierd: completed,id=00130C6A.48904FD7.0000704C
> Jul 30 06:26:15 casasponti courierd: Waiting.  shutdown time=Wed Jul
> 30 07:15:45 2008, wakeup time=Wed Jul 30 06:42:30 2008,
> queuedelivering=2, inprogress=
> Jul 30 06:26:15 casasponti courierd:
> newmsg,id=00130CEB.48904FD7.00007054: dns; localhost (localhost
> [])
> Jul 30 06:26:15 casasponti courierd:
> started,id=00130CEB.48904FD7.00007054,from=<webmaster at casasponti.net>,module=local,host=eculp at casasponti.net!!80!80!/h
> ome/virtual/casasponti.net/eculp!!20000000S,addr=<eculp at casasponti.net>
> Jul 30 06:26:15 casasponti courierd: Waiting.  shutdown time=none,
> wakeup time=Wed Jul 30 06:42:30 2008, queuedelivering=3, inprogress=1
> Jul 30 06:26:15 casasponti courierlocal:
> id=00130CEB.48904FD7.00007054,from=<webmaster at casasponti.net>,addr=<eculp at casasponti.net>,size=2448,success:
> Messa
> ge delivered.
> ---------------------------- third ---------------------------
> Jul 30 06:26:15 casasponti courierd:
> started,id=00130CF1.48904FD7.0000705C,from=<webmaster at casasponti.net>,module=local,host=eculp at casasponti.net!!80!80!/h
> ome/virtual/casasponti.net/eculp!!20000000S,addr=<eculp at casasponti.net>
> Jul 30 06:26:15 casasponti courierd: Waiting.  shutdown time=none,
> wakeup time=Wed Jul 30 06:42:30 2008, queuedelivering=3, inprogress=1
> Jul 30 06:26:15 casasponti courierlocal:
> id=00130CF1.48904FD7.0000705C,from=<webmaster at casasponti.net>,addr=<eculp at casasponti.net>,size=2460,success:
> Messa
> I just noticed that the owners cannot be deleteded form the queue
> even though the option exists.  That could be a bug.  I had to delete
> them manually from the whups_ticket_owners table.
> I added three users and DIDNOT include myself and got the following results:
> aodria at casasponti.net <eculp at casasponti.net>,
> rrodriguez at casasponti.net <eculp at casasponti.net>,
> smartinez at casasponti.net <eculp at casasponti.net> added to those
> responsible for "PontiNet"
> That will again send all the emails to me.  This has to be a
> configuration error but I still have no idea where.
> IMO, the above pretty well rules out turba.
> I'm not expecting help just hope that something that I have shown
> here will turn on a light.
> Thanks.

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