[Tickets #10654] Re: Can't autosubmit to a ticket from Horde

bugs at horde.org bugs at horde.org
Sat Oct 29 07:25:31 UTC 2011


Ticket-URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/10654
  Ticket           | 10654
  Aktualisiert Von | michael at bigmichi1.de
  Zusammenfassung  | Can't autosubmit to a ticket from Horde
  Warteschlange    | Whups
  Version          | 2.0-RC1
  Typ              | Bug
  Status           | Feedback
  Priorität        | 1. Low
  Milestone        |
  Patch            |
  Zuständige       |

michael at bigmichi1.de (2011-10-29 07:25) hat geschrieben:

hi, i'm having the same problem with "Invalid arguments (array (  
'group' => 'Ungültige Daten eingegeben.', ))"

i enabled debug in horde config and these are the last few lines befor  
the error pops up:

2011-10-29T09:15:53+02:00 DEBUG: HORDE [wicked] Load config file  
(conf.php; app: wicked) [pid 14065 on line 865 of  
2011-10-29T09:15:53+02:00 DEBUG: HORDE [whups] SQL  (0,0003s)
         SELECT queue_id, queue_name FROM whups_queues ORDER BY  
queue_name [pid 14065 on line 803 of  
2011-10-29T09:15:53+02:00 DEBUG: HORDE [whups] SQL  (0,0002s)
         SELECT queue_id, queue_name, queue_description, queue_versioned,
           queue_slug, queue_email FROM whups_queues WHERE queue_id =  
2 [pid 14065 on line 803 of  
2011-10-29T09:15:53+02:00 DEBUG: HORDE [whups] SQL  (0,0002s)
         SELECT queue_id, queue_name, queue_description, queue_versioned,
           queue_slug, queue_email FROM whups_queues WHERE queue_id =  
1 [pid 14065 on line 803 of  
2011-10-29T09:15:53+02:00 DEBUG: HORDE [whups] SQL  (0,0004s)
         SELECT t.type_id, t.type_name FROM whups_types t, whups_types_queues
           tm WHERE tm.queue_id = 1 AND tm.type_id = t.type_id ORDER BY
           t.type_name [pid 14065 on line 803 of  
2011-10-29T09:15:53+02:00 DEBUG: HORDE [whups] SQL  (0,0002s)
         SELECT type_id FROM whups_types_queues WHERE type_default = 1 AND
           queue_id = 1 [pid 14065 on line 803 of  
2011-10-29T09:15:53+02:00 DEBUG: HORDE [whups] SQL  (0,0004s)
         SELECT state_id, state_name FROM whups_states WHERE type_id = 2 AND
           (state_category = 'unconfirmed') ORDER BY state_category,  
state_name [pid 14065 on line 803 of  
2011-10-29T09:15:53+02:00 DEBUG: HORDE [whups] SQL  (0,0002s)
         SELECT attribute_id, attribute_name, attribute_description,
           attribute_type, attribute_params, attribute_required FROM
           whups_attributes_desc WHERE type_id = 2 ORDER BY  
attribute_name [pid 14065 on line 803 of  
2011-10-29T09:15:53+02:00 DEBUG: HORDE [whups] SQL  (0,0003s)
         SELECT state_id, state_name FROM whups_states WHERE type_id = 2 AND
           (state_category = 'new' OR state_category = 'assigned') ORDER BY
           state_category, state_name [pid 14065 on line 803 of  
2011-10-29T09:15:53+02:00 DEBUG: HORDE [whups] SQL  (0,0003s)
         SELECT state_id FROM whups_states WHERE state_default = 1 AND type_id
           = 2 [pid 14065 on line 803 of  
2011-10-29T09:15:53+02:00 DEBUG: HORDE [whups] SQL  (0,0003s)
         SELECT priority_id, priority_name FROM whups_priorities WHERE type_id
           = 2 ORDER BY priority_name [pid 14065 on line 803 of  
2011-10-29T09:15:53+02:00 DEBUG: HORDE [whups] SQL  (0,0002s)
         SELECT priority_id FROM whups_priorities WHERE priority_default = 1
           AND type_id = 2 [pid 14065 on line 803 of  
2011-10-29T09:15:53+02:00 DEBUG: HORDE [whups] SQL  (0,0004s)
         SELECT g.group_uid AS group_uid, g.group_name AS group_name FROM
           horde_groups g, horde_groups_members m WHERE m.user_uid =
           'test at bigmichi1.de' AND g.group_uid = m.group_uid ORDER BY
           g.group_name [pid 14065 on line 803 of  
2011-10-29T09:15:53+02:00 DEBUG: HORDE [whups] SQL  (0,0002s)
         SELECT group_name FROM horde_groups WHERE group_uid = 2 [pid  
14065 on line 803 of "/var/www/pear/php/Horde/Db/Adapter/Base.php"]
2011-10-29T09:15:53+02:00 DEBUG: HORDE [horde] Invalid arguments (array (
   'group' => 'Ungültige Daten eingegeben.',
)) [pid 14065 on line 27 of  

mysql> SELECT g.group_uid AS group_uid, g.group_name AS group_name
     -> FROM horde_groups g, horde_groups_members m
     -> WHERE m.user_uid =  'test at bigmichi1.de'
     -> AND g.group_uid = m.group_uid
     -> ORDER BY g.group_name;
| group_uid | group_name |
|         2 | Admin      |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql>  SELECT group_name FROM horde_groups WHERE group_uid = 2;
| group_name |
| Admin      |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

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