[Tickets #12289] Re: Attachments larger than 100k are missing from emails synced using ActiveSync

noreply at bugs.horde.org noreply at bugs.horde.org
Mon Jun 3 15:10:30 UTC 2013


Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/12289
  Ticket             | 12289
  Updated By         | software-horde at interfasys.ch
  Summary            | Attachments larger than 100k are missing from emails
                     | synced using ActiveSync
  Queue              | Synchronization
  Version            | Git master
  Type               | Bug
  State              | Feedback
  Priority           | 1. Low
  Milestone          |
  Patch              |
  Owners             |

software-horde at interfasys.ch (2013-06-03 15:10) wrote:

> What do you mean by "missing"? I have no problems receiving  
> attachments, of any size, on my devices. This has been available  
> since email was originally implemented.

Email shows up without any attachment icon or attached file

> Do the messages show on the device as *having* an attachment? EAS  
> does not send the attachment data itself, only the fact that there  
> is an attachment, on the initial SYNC. Later requests fetch the data  
> if the user attempts to view/download the attachment. This is done  
> in a variety of different ways, depending on the client and the  
> version of EAS that is being used.

This has never worked for me on PlayBook OS 2.x, BB10.0 and BB10.1.  
With Horde 5.0 and now 5.1 (latest EAS version).
The email is received, only without the attachment icon.
The same email sent via IMAP is showing up fine, with everything included.

I'll try to test this on Android.

> It could be that this is related to the other bug you posted, Bug:  
> 12292.  Without a sync log, it's impossible for me to tell.
I'll see what I can do

>> Could it be that maxRequestLength has not been set or set to a very
>> low value?
> There is no such configuration for Horde or PHP. This is an Exchange  
> server configuration, not an ActiveSync policy. There is a  
> MaxAttachmentSize policy that is enforced on the client if  
> provisioning is enabled - but that defaults to 5MB and can be  
> configured higher by an admin. Though this doesn't prevent the  
> attachment information from being sent to the device, it only  
> prevents the device from fetching the full attachment.
OK. I wasn't sure what the default would be and what that setting  
would have been translated to in Horde

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