[Tickets #12316] Re: Constant retries in AS with iPad

noreply at bugs.horde.org noreply at bugs.horde.org
Sat Jun 8 07:33:40 UTC 2013


Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/12316
  Ticket             | 12316
  Updated By         | simon at simonandkate.net
  Summary            | Constant retries in AS with iPad
  Queue              | Horde Base
  Version            | 5.1.0
  Type               | Bug
  State              | Feedback
  Priority           | 1. Low
  Milestone          |
  Patch              |
  Owners             | Michael Rubinsky

simon at simonandkate.net (2013-06-08 07:33) wrote:

Interesting... I dropped AS back to 12.1, and removed accounts on 4  
devices, and re-added.

The constant retries appear to have stopped.

The messages about NO CONDSTORE or per mailbox MODSEQ: minuid=48791  
etc still appear, and even with what appear to be less ERR messages  
after them, but the devices have massively dropped comms to the  
server, and log files are back under control. The email client on iPad  
no longr keeps spinning "Checking for mail..." / stop / "Checking for  
mail..." etc.

My wife's iPad has gone back to just doing this every 30 seconds as expected:

2013-06-08T17:32:14+10:00 INFO: [21182] Sleeping for 30 seconds.
2013-06-08T17:32:44+10:00 INFO: [21182] SyncCache collections refreshed.
2013-06-08T17:32:44+10:00 INFO: [21182] Refreshing 0d2d7ffd from the cache.
2013-06-08T17:32:44+10:00 INFO: [21182] Refreshing @Calendar@ from the cache.
2013-06-08T17:32:44+10:00 INFO: [21182] Refreshing @Contacts@ from the cache.
2013-06-08T17:32:44+10:00 INFO: [21182] Refreshing @Tasks@ from the cache.
2013-06-08T17:32:44+10:00 INFO: [21182] Initializing state for  
collection: INBOX, synckey: {51b2b3f6-65bc-4bf9-84f9-0da3c0a801e6}45
2013-06-08T17:32:44+10:00 INFO: [21182] Loading state for synckey  
2013-06-08T17:32:44+10:00 INFO: [21182] Initializing message diff  
engine for 0d2d7ffd (INBOX)
2013-06-08T17:32:44+10:00 INFO: [21182]  
Horde_Core_ActiveSync_Driver::getServerChanges(INBOX, 1370676621,  
1370676764, 1370417564, 1)
2013-06-08T17:32:44+10:00 INFO: [21182] Found 0 message changes in 0d2d7ffd.
2013-06-08T17:32:44+10:00 INFO: [21182] Initializing state for  
collection: @Calendar@, synckey: {51b2b3f9-0728-44a2-a62d-0da4c0a801e6}3
2013-06-08T17:32:44+10:00 INFO: [21182] Loading state for synckey  
2013-06-08T17:32:44+10:00 INFO: [21182] Initializing message diff  
engine for @Calendar@ (@Calendar@)
2013-06-08T17:32:44+10:00 INFO: [21182]  
Horde_Core_ActiveSync_Driver::getServerChanges(@Calendar@, 1370665993,  
1370676764, 1368257564, 1)
2013-06-08T17:32:44+10:00 INFO: [21182] Found 0 message changes in @Calendar at .
2013-06-08T17:32:44+10:00 INFO: [21182] Initializing state for  
collection: @Contacts@, synckey:  
2013-06-08T17:32:44+10:00 INFO: [21182] Loading state for synckey  
2013-06-08T17:32:44+10:00 INFO: [21182] Initializing message diff  
engine for @Contacts@ (@Contacts@)
2013-06-08T17:32:44+10:00 INFO: [21182]  
Horde_Core_ActiveSync_Driver::getServerChanges(@Contacts@, 1370666050,  
1370676764, 0, 1)
2013-06-08T17:32:44+10:00 INFO: [21182] Found 0 message changes in @Contacts at .
2013-06-08T17:32:44+10:00 INFO: [21182] Initializing state for  
collection: @Tasks@, synckey: {51b2b404-8930-4f89-b11e-0da7c0a801e6}1
2013-06-08T17:32:44+10:00 INFO: [21182] Loading state for synckey  
2013-06-08T17:32:44+10:00 INFO: [21182] Initializing message diff  
engine for @Tasks@ (@Tasks@)
2013-06-08T17:32:44+10:00 INFO: [21182]  
Horde_Core_ActiveSync_Driver::getServerChanges(@Tasks@, 0, 1370676764,  
0, 1)
2013-06-08T17:32:44+10:00 INFO: [21182] Found 0 message changes in @Tasks at .
2013-06-08T17:32:44+10:00 INFO: [21182] Sleeping for 30 seconds.

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