[Tickets #12473] Re: Allow undelete message option

noreply at bugs.horde.org noreply at bugs.horde.org
Thu Jul 18 15:35:57 UTC 2013


Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/12473
  Ticket             | 12473
  Updated By         | Michael Slusarz <slusarz at horde.org>
  Summary            | Allow undelete message option
  Queue              | IMP
  Version            | Git master
  Type               | Enhancement
  State              | Feedback
  Priority           | 1. Low
  Milestone          |
  Patch              |
  Owners             |

Michael Slusarz <slusarz at horde.org> (2013-07-18 09:35) wrote:

Undelete is intentionally left out of smartmobile.  And I don't see  
any reason otherwise.

First - you make the common mistake of saying "this feature exists in  
a different view of IMP; it should/must appear here."  There could not  
be further from the truth.  While true that we can't have any  
particular ACTION behave differently among the views (i.e. clicking  
Delete in smartmobile must behave the same as clicking Delete in  
basic), this has nothing to do with which FEATURES we allow.

In the smartmobile case, it makes ZERO sense to show deleted messages  
in a mailbox.  You are given limited screen real estate and network  
connectivity - it only makes sense to show messages to users that they  
think are "interesting".  By previously marking a message as deleted,  
they have explicitly made the statement that the message is no longer  
"interesting" to them.

In other words: "Undelete" is not a base action, like  
delete/move/reply.  it is instead an action that helps manage a  
mailbox.  Smartmobile is not designed UI-wise to manage a mailbox.  It  
is designed to allow quick access to messages and the ability to do a  
few of the basic things needed to quickly handle the message data.

And I shudder to think of the cascading effect of adding this.  Once  
you allow Undelete, you require messages to be visible in the mailbox  
view - undesirable, as mentioned above.  Some some people will want  
the ability to turn this off dynamically, so now you have to add a  
button to allow toggling of hiding messages.  And then people are  
going to want the ability to expunge the messages, since they can now  
see them, so you need to add an Expunge method (and the modal warnings  
required to prevent accidental clicking).  There is really no more  
room for 3-4 more actions in the current layout as it is.

These might be allowable in a "tablet" view, but never a "smartmobile"  
view.  Since we only have one view that encapsulates both, we have to  
tailor the UI to the latter.

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