[Tickets #12715] Re: Automatically add invitations to calendar

noreply at bugs.horde.org noreply at bugs.horde.org
Sat Oct 5 19:37:10 UTC 2013


Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/12715
  Ticket             | 12715
  Updated By         | brunomarsal at googlemail.com
  Summary            | Automatically add invitations to calendar
  Queue              | IMP
  Version            | Git master
  Type               | Enhancement
  State              | Feedback
  Priority           | 1. Low
  Milestone          |
  Patch              |
  Owners             |

brunomarsal at googlemail.com (2013-10-05 19:37) wrote:

I do not even want to open the message. If the mail is an invitation  
it should just automatically be added to the calendar (in state  
"tentative") as soon as it arrives in the mailbox (or is processed by  
whcihever process of horde).
If I want to attend/accept/decline the invitation, I open this  
calendar item (or the mail!?) and accept/decline it. Or just keep it  
in the calendar for reference.
Imagine you forget/skip over the meeting invitation in your mailbox,  
then latest your mobile phone will notify you at the day of the meeting.

It is also easier to open an calendar item and accept/decline from the  
caelndar instead of finding the mail and use the action items in it  
(in Outlook at least this is the case).
Mobile phones have great support for accepting/decline invitations in  
the calendar also.

You are right, spammers could easily flood your calendar. Users should  
either have a spamchecker installed or keep the "auto add invitations  
to calendar" option switched off if this is a problem for them. But I  
have never seen spam invitations :)

In addition to Google Mail and the good old Blackberry I know one  
more: MS Exchange servers also do the same (probably thats an option  
also). When your mailbox receives an invitation, it will be added to  
your calendar (in state "tentative").

> Yikes!  How is this supposed to work?
> Example: I'm a spammer.  I use a known contact of yours to send you  
> a message.  You open the message.  100's of spam calendar entries  
> automatically appear in your calendar.

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