[Tickets #13438] Re: Doesn't show unsubscribed folders

noreply at bugs.horde.org noreply at bugs.horde.org
Sun Aug 24 23:44:42 UTC 2014


Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/13438
  Ticket             | 13438
  Updated By         | Michael Slusarz <slusarz at horde.org>
  Summary            | Doesn't show unsubscribed folders
  Queue              | IMP
  Version            | 6.2.1
  Type               | Bug
-State              | Duplicate
+State              | Not A Bug
  Priority           | 2. Medium
  Milestone          |
  Patch              |
  Owners             |

Michael Slusarz <slusarz at horde.org> (2014-08-24 17:44) wrote:

> With  suppress_capabilities: LIST-EXTENDED IMP works with LSUB and  
> simple LIST commands,
> and shows all folders. So this workaround works.

This can also be done from the IMP side by adding:

     'capability_ignore' => array('LIST-EXTENDED')

to the cyrus config in backends.local.php.  Obviously, it makes more  
sense to do this from the Cyrus side since this will fix this issue on  
ALL clients connecting to the server, rather than just IMP.

> Question for you: Will you provide a workround for this cyrus-imapd  
> bug in IMP,

See above for backend configuration workaround.

This can't be done automagically in the driver because there is no way  
of determining that the server is actually broken based on the  
response.  IMAP version sniffing is not an option either.  (Other  
broken IMAP servers/commands can be detected because they do things  
like send obviously incorrect information, or by sending the wrong  
response.  But absent not using LIST-EXTENDED for ANY server - which  
is not going to happen - there's not much we can do about server  
replies that are inaccurate.)

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