[Tickets #14267] Re: Forward / Reply / New message results in popup "Loading..."
noreply at bugs.horde.org
noreply at bugs.horde.org
Fri Feb 26 21:59:54 UTC 2016
Ticket URL: https://bugs.horde.org/ticket/14267
Ticket | 14267
Updated By | horde-support at inetspec.com
Summary | Forward / Reply / New message results in popup
| "Loading..."
Queue | IMP
Version | 6.2.12
Type | Bug
State | Feedback
Priority | 1. Low
Milestone |
Patch |
Owners |
horde-support at inetspec.com (2016-02-26 21:59) wrote:
> Cannot reproduce. I can reply/forward/redirect to any email from
> both IE11 (11.103.10586.0) and Edge on Windows 10.
> Are you using JS caching? If so, try it with caching turned off and
> then with it on, but after clearing the cache files.
IE is a slightly different version, but we do not really have control
over the version that we use as it is based on administrative updates.
The version on this machine is currently 11.0.10240.16683.
I cleared the cache from IE and tried again without any change in results.
I then logged out, cleared the IE cache, restarted the browser, and
logged into "basic" mode. Still gives a number of different errors in
the console, but no fatal ones. I was able to send a test email in
Basic mode.
I then repeated those steps for Dynamic mode. After verifying that I
had no cached .js files and restarting the browser, I logged in the
same user as Dynamic mode. I received the same results as the
original ticket.
At any rate, I see no evidence of cached .js files on the client side.
Is "JS caching" something that is configured by default in Horde or
IMP? If so, how is that default changed? Again, at any rate, I have
not been able to find any evidence of cached files in the Horde
installation or the HTTP server, so this is probably a 'moot' point
More directly, looking at the call stack and the trace, the difference
in handling between IE and other browsers occurs at lines 1408-1414 in
the ./imp/js/compose-dimp.js file. It looks like that call is
directly related to the resulting error. It is interesting that it
mentions "bubble" in the comment.
A window object is being passed into prototype.js but the window does
not have an 'observe' method. This would normally be a 'document'
object which does have an 'observe' method.
I temporarily edited the ./imp/js/compose-dimp.js file to allow IE to
be treated the same an any other browser, then cleared the browser
cache, and logged in again using Dynamic mode. I was then able to
begin a new message and successfully send.
1408 /* Attach event handlers. */
1409 if (Prototype.Browser.IE) {
1410 // IE doesn't bubble change events.
1411 // $('identity', 'upload').invoke('observe', 'change',
added-> document.observe('change',
1412 } else {
1413 document.observe('change',
1414 }
Apparently, on line 1411 the expression "('identity', 'upload')"
resolves to the window, and not the document (at least in IE11).
I cannot find any specific revision information inside the
compose-dimp.js file, however, it's timestamp matches all of the other
.js files for IMP from the date of installation which was Feb 5. (at
least it did until I edited the file to perform the test)
The prototype.js file shows: Prototype JavaScript framework, version
1.7.2, and a file date of Feb 23 (which was the last time that I did a
pear update). However, this problem existed previously, which is why
I did the pear update. There is a newer (1.7.3) prototype.js
available from the upstream. I would be happy to test with that.
However, it looks like the root of the problem is the 'if' decision
made in the compose-dimp.js file at line 1409.
Likely causes may be:
- differing user-agent strings / features reported from various
versions of IE
- differing DOM structures in various versions of IE
- JScript interpretation of Prototype JS at various versions
The browser on this machine is currently reporting:
"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko"
Also, I would suggest that if you cannot reproduce this problem, then
at line 1409, your browser is not being detected as IE by the
prototype.js code. That would explain the difference in results. If
for any reason your browser is detected as "Mozilla", then your
browser skips around the code that crashes other IE browsers (but
perhaps not all). As it is, in our local case, the browsers are
definitely executing line 1411 and not line 1413 despite the newer
user agent string.
For what it's worth, I think this IE detection issue is still open on
GitHub at the time of this writing...
Ref: https://github.com/sstephenson/prototype/issues/120
So, what does :: if (Prototype.Browser.IE) :: really mean? I am not
conviced that it means anything related to whether a browser supports
"bubble" or "capture" for events, at least not in today's world.
Should that handling call really be based on that specific boolean
flag in Prototype JS?
I believe that this warrants a closer look into how the calls are made
from Horde / IMP code into supporting libraries, especially when they
are done differently based on a decision about which User Agent is in
Is there a better way to address the 'document.observe' method with a
more cross browser compatible statement, or is it just a browser
detection problem?
It may be necessary to further detect versions and capabilities when
IE is the User Agent in order to avoid filing IE11 into the "do it
differently" column.
Again, very happy to help with more information, and if I was better
with Prototype JS / Javascript I would even try hacking at a permanent
solution. If you are using IE11, then you could try forcing it to run
line 1411 and see what happens.
Or, is that code even the same in your currently used version of
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