yet another bug && bugfix

Mathieu Arnold
Fri, 06 Apr 2001 22:55:55 +0200


until today, my chora was on /chora because i had an old cvsweb.cgi in /
but as i wasn't using it since i discovered chora, i removed it and put
chora in /
a problem arisen that is that $scriptPath was containing '/' and so, the
graphics where something like "//graphics/".$name which is not good and
means http://graphics/, which is not good, so, here is a little patch to
get around it :

Index: common.php
RCS file: /home/cvs/cvs/dup/horde/chora/common.php,v
retrieving revision 1.32
diff -u -r1.32 common.php
--- common.php  2001/03/18 01:52:45     1.32
+++ common.php  2001/04/06 20:50:17
@@ -186,6 +186,9 @@
 /* Path to the script base (e.g. /chora) */
 $scriptPath = dirname($scriptName);
+if ($scriptPath == '/') {
+  $scriptPath = '';
 $fullname = "$cvsroot/$where";
 $wherePath = '';

Mathieu Arnold