[chora] 404 Not Found

Cynic cynic@mail.cz
Thu, 09 Aug 2001 17:48:05 +0200

Could you try current CVS? I have commited a patch a few hours
ago that fixed some RCS commands (cmd.exe doesn't treat single 
and double quotes equally). I have maybe 12 hours old checkout
of Horde and Chora running smoothly (though slowly as hell) on
this NT 5 machine.

At 16:37 8/9/2001, Josef Spegel wrote the following:
>after a "few" hours to install horde and chora on my web-server and some
>problems I could solve at my own, I get at least one error, that I don't
>know how to deal with it ?
>The funtionality of horde looks like very good. The test.php prints no
>critical error so I starts hopfully chora by clicking on the icon at the
>bottom of my framework. After that I get the following error
>Error Encountered - 404 Not Found
>horde/chora.cvs.php: no such file or directory
>After my very small debugging I found out that line 225 in cvs.php
>prints out this error, if it could not found the directory stored in
>$fullname or a file like $fullname . ',v'. Am I right if I say that
>$fullname will be set in lib/base.php at line 202 with $cvsroot/$where?
>In my configuration cvs.php looks for a file/dir called
>e:/temp/cvs/php/contactboerse/horde/chora/cvs.php which is of course not
>there ???
>My cvs repository is outside my webroot, but I think there should be not
>problems with that.
>At this time, I don't know how to say, I must agree to use WinNT - I am
>sorry !!! So I hope there are no problems with drive letters or other
>windows special features.
>Here are my config files:
>$conf['paths']['co']          = 'd:/programme/rcs/bin/co.exe';
>$conf['paths']['rcs']         = 'd:/programme/rcs/bin/rcs.exe';
>$conf['paths']['rcsdiff']     = 'd:/programme/rcs/bin/rcsdiff.exe';
>$conf['paths']['rlog']        = 'd:/programme/rcs/bin/rlog.exe';
>$conf['paths']['cvs']         = 'c:/winnt/system32/cvs.exe';
>$cvsroots['flirtline'] = array(
>    'name' => 'flirtline',
>    'location' => 'e:/temp/cvs/php/contactboerse',
>    'title' => 'Flirtline CVS Repository',
>    'intro' => 'longIntro.txt',
>    'default' => true
>I hope, anybody is out there, who can say: "Yeah, of course such a great
>mistake! You have to change ...."
>Bye and thanks a lot
>- Joe
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------end of quote------ 

And the eyes of them both were opened and they saw that their files
were world readable and writable, so they chmoded 600 their files.
    - Book of Installation chapt 3 sec 7