
Joakim Ryden
05 Feb 2002 23:33:59 -0800

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i have a quick, possibly stupid ;), question. is there a special trick
to having chora read the entries in the 'cvsusers' file? i copied and
pasted from the cvsusers file i saw on the horde site but i still get
only the login names (no long mailto names in the revision history). my
cvs repositories reside in '/local/cvsroot' and my entry in cvsroots.php
looks like so:=20

$cvsroots['Repository'] =3D array(
    'name' =3D> 'The repository',
    'location' =3D> '/local/cvsroot',
    'title' =3D> 'The repository',
    'cvsusers' =3D> 'CVSROOT/cvsusers',
    'default' =3D> true

and the cvsusers file is in /local/cvsroot/CVSROOT/cvsusers

what am i missing??



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