Obscure problem
Ahmed Shihab
Thu, 28 Feb 2002 14:11:31 +0000
I have an problem which only seems to occur under the following
Horde/Imp/Kronolith/Nag/Whups/Turba/Chora all HEAD as of 27.02.2002
Apache 1.3.22 from stock RH build
PHP 4.1.1
OS Linux RH 7.1
IMP is set to authenticate the horde application
All applications are set as not accessable for guests.
I've piped port 80 through SSH to a remote machine. From the remote
(windows) machine I access the horde application. All operations from
login to accessing all applications works fine, except for chora.
When I try to access Chora I get the horde login screen again, if I
login I can see the first page of the CVS tree. when I try to access
any subpages I get the login screen again which takes me back to the
first page.
if I access Chora from a local machine or a remote one (not through
SSH) all is fine, ie I can use Chora as you'd expect.
server openSSH 2.9p2
client from Cedomir Igaly and SSH client 3.1.0 (build 235) from SSH
Any ideas?
-- snip -- chora conf.php
* Chora - the Horde interface to a CVS repository.
* Configuration file that controls the behaviour of this
* module.
* $Horde: chora/config/conf.php.dist,v 1.32 2002/01/17 00:02:59 max
Exp $
// Make sure that constants are defined.
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/constants.php';
** Paths and Locations
// Location of RCS binaries you must have installed as
// part of CVS
$conf['paths']['co'] = '/usr/bin/co';
$conf['paths']['rcs'] = '/usr/bin/rcs';
$conf['paths']['rcsdiff'] = '/usr/bin/rcsdiff';
$conf['paths']['rlog'] = '/usr/bin/rlog';
$conf['paths']['cvs'] = '/usr/bin/cvs';
** Look And Feel Configuration
// The name and email address displayed in the page footer. This is
// generally the name of the repository administrator.
$conf['options']['adminName'] = 'Alcahest Webmaster';
$conf['options']['adminEmail'] = 'webmaster@alcahest.com';
// In the directory view, a short summary of the last
// logentry is shown. The value here determines how many
// characters of this to show before truncating it, and
// appending '...' to indicate there is more to show
$conf['options']['shortLogLength'] = 75;
// In the directory view, set a default sort order. The options are
// CVSLIB_SORT_NONE (no sort), CVSLIB_SORT_AGE (sort by age),
// CVSLIB_SORT_NAME (sort by filename), CVSLIB_SORT_REV (sort by
// revision number), and CVSLIB_SORT_AUTHOR (sort by author name). */
$conf['options']['defaultsort'] = CVSLIB_SORT_NAME;
// If your webserver doesn't support the PATH_INFO method
// of passing URL data (some Windows servers have this problem)
// then set the below option to 'false', and the pathnames
// will be propagated using a GET variable instead.
$conf['options']['use_path_info'] = true;
// If you wish to protech a file pattern on a global bases (i.e.
// across all cvsroots defined in cvsroots.php) list the perl
// file patterns in this array. For example:
$conf['restrictions'] = array('^/?CVSROOT');
//$conf['restrictions'] = array();
-- snip