[chora] rb/wb file modes

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Fri, 3 May 2002 23:07:12 -0400

Quoting Jan Schneider <jan@horde.org>:

> I have problems with some of the recently introduced "rb" and "wb" file
> modes in the popen() calls. I get an "invalid argument" warning from
> these calls and no file pointer gets returned. 
> Interesting enough this message is in German, that means it probably 
> doesn't come from PHP but from the system. I don't know why these
> arguments cause problems because they are stated as harmful for *nix 
> system in the manual but perhaps something changed here with the 
> introduction of streams in the latest php code.
> Does anybody else see these errors on a Linux system?

No, things work fine here... feel free to wrap things in the if 
(OS_WINDOWS) check we committed in one place...


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
"A dream which helps you to live your reality with dignity
 and justice is a good dream." - Tariq Ramadan