[chora] Directories but no files
Tim Dodge
Wed, 10 Jul 2002 18:14:12 +0100
Quoting Tim Dodge <timmy@invisibles.org>:
> Hi,
> I've just set-up chora for the first time (although I'm a long-time
> horde user).
> I can browse through the module directories, but no files are shown
> at
> all... I've read through the archive and the most common reason for
> this
> seems to be that people are trying to use chora on a check-out rather
> than the cvs repository itself.
> I am using it on the repository, so I'm a bit stumped now.
> Could it be anything to do with the fact that latest cvs (I have
> 1.11.2
> installed) does not build the rcs binaries anymore, so:
> $conf['paths']['co'] = '/usr/bin/co';
> $conf['paths']['rcs'] = '/usr/bin/rcs';
> $conf['paths']['rcsdiff'] = '/usr/bin/rcsdiff';
> $conf['paths']['rlog'] = '/usr/bin/rlog';
> don't actually point to anything...
> I'm using Gentoo linux, and it doesn't come with any other version,
> although I suppose I could write an ebuild for one - seems a bit daft
> though.
Sorry, my mistake - I've installed rcs (as well as cvs) and everything
is now working.