[chora] [saurik@saurik.com: ANN: Port of Horde's Chora
toSubversion(CVSWeb-like functionality)]
Chuck Hagenbuch
Mon, 29 Jul 2002 13:36:47 -0400
Quoting "Jay Freeman (saurik)" <saurik@saurik.com>:
> I would be happy to maintain this patch. I have various things in it I
> want to clean up, and can keep it up to date as Subversion changes (which I
> think I already need to do; I know for sure I can now ditch my worst hack
> as they finally added "svn ls" support).
Sounds good. :)
> One question I have is about the usage of PHP extensions in Horde. If I
> were to try to use SWIG to automatically generate a PHP extension that
> talked directly with the Subversion back-end libraries (as Subversion is
> already decked out for SWIG support so as to get their Python bindings),
> and used that, would that be something acceptable in a Horde project? And
> then, what if it were an option, where calling out to the various
> Subversion shell utilities was still a config flag?
The config option would be nice, but using the extension would be fine. The
extension itself would probably better be hosted in PEAR's PECL repository
(http://pear.php.net/), but there's no problem with making use of it, and I
see no reason we couldn't provide a home if necessary.
Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
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