[chora] A few issues with cvs-head

Dan Wilson dan@acucore.com
Sat, 3 Aug 2002 18:27:00 -0600

I am running chora from HEAD, have a few questions.

1) Is there a reason the full name of the author is not displayed (or am I 
missing an option).  I tracked this down to a second parameter of true not 
being passed into Chora::showAuthorName on line 96 of cvs.php.  There is 
another call on line 190 that does have the second parameter.  Just wondering 
what the different is (I didn't study the code much) and if I shouldn't have 
changed that specific call.

2) In the parseCVSUsers function in CVSLib.php it assumes that the first line 
of the cvsusers file is header info.  However, mine is not (I know, it's not 
typical), so it wasn't displaying the username correctly for my first user in 
the file.  Shouldn't we try to detect and see if that's header info or not 
before discarding it?

I really should submit this as a patch, but I'm not sure if this is by design 
or not.
