[chora] about chora having to be in horde directory

greg_greg at freestart.hu greg_greg at freestart.hu
Mon Feb 17 19:38:56 PST 2003

> > I was wondering why chora *had* to be in a subdir of horde?
> It does not.
> > In chora/lib/base.php ( 2002/12/19 12:24:08 jan )
> > I see:
> > // Find the base file path of Horde
> > @define('HORDE_BASE', dirname(__FILE__) . '/../..');
> >
> > Why is this not using the path defined in horde/config/registry? One
> Because then how would Chora find Horde?

Well, when i said "had to be in a subdir of horde", i meant -"without
hacking elsewhere than config files" ;-)
Maybe I'm missing some point, but I thought it would be way simpler to have
once in chora and each other app's config file a path to the horde stuff,
and in horde, as it is, have paths to the different applications...

> > could say that to use the path defined in there, it has to know where to
> > find them... Hmmm that would make sense, but then why are they defined
> > the registry (for horde itself, i mean) ? ;)
> Because Horde has to be able to find other applications, also. How do you
> think IMP finds Turba to search for addresses? Without hardcoding
> information in more places than necessary, Horde has to know where the
> are, and each app has to know where Horde is.

I agree, but I don't see why it's so "complicated" (not that it is
*complicated* but it could be more centralized).
(see my previous "suggestions")

Please do not take these remarks as anything else than just questions,
nothing aggressive here. I LOVE chora, for all it is, and especially for it
allows me to view my cvs trees in something else than the ugly
cvsweb/viewcvs we use at work!! ;-)


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