[chora] 500 Internal Error

System system at eluminoustechnologies.com
Thu Jun 19 11:12:02 PDT 2003

Hello All,

I know before posting i should check the archives for this mailing list. I
did that and that is why i decided to post it here.
I am on RedHat 7.3/Apache 1.3.27/PHP 4.3.1/ Chora 1.2

Problem :

When i try to access the http://www.mydomain.com/horde/chora/index.php it
says this :
*** 500 Internal Error
CVSROOT not found! This could be a misconfiguration by the server
administrator, or the server could be having temporary problems. Please try
again later. *****

and this is my cvsroots.php file

$cvsroots['php4'] = array(
    'name' => 'PHP4',
    'location' => '/home/cvs/php4',
    'title' => 'PHP4 CVS Repository',
    'intro' => 'php-intro.txt',
    'default' => true

$cvsroots['horde'] = array(
    'name' => 'Horde',
    'location' => '/home/cvs/horde',
    'title' => 'Horde CVS Repository',
    'cvsusers' => 'CVSROOT/cvsusers',
    'intro' => 'horde-intro.txt',
    'restrictions' => array('^/?hordeweb/config/defaults.php')

$cvsroots['openbsd'] = array(
    'name' => 'OpenBSD',
    'location' => '/home/cvs/openbsd',
    'title' => 'OpenBSD CVS Repository'

I have my CVS installed in here : /drive2/cvs/CVSROOT

But there are not such files :
'location' => '/home/cvs/php4',
'location' => '/home/cvs/horde',
'location' => '/home/cvs/openbsd',
I don't have php4,horde,openbsd in /home/cvs which i don't have nor in
/drive2/cvs folder.
Here is what i have /drive2/cvs
ls /drive2cvs/

am I Missing something ? I am a NewBie to Chora and CVS.

Any help would be appreaciated.


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