[chora] Annotate.php server error

zx at bugsbunny.laudanski.com zx at bugsbunny.laudanski.com
Mon Jul 28 19:11:52 PDT 2003

Hi I ran it on emailsforyou.php and this was the result:

$ cvs annotate emailsforyou.php
Annotations for emailsforyou.php
1.1          (root     08-Jul-03): <?
1.1          (root     08-Jul-03): /*
1.2          (zx       13-Jul-03):      This file generate a list of 100 
email address faked,
1.1          (root     08-Jul-03):      useful to create some troubles to 
stupid mot***-fuk*** spam bots!
1.1          (root     08-Jul-03): */
1.1          (root     08-Jul-03):  echo "This server does not accept 
known web page mining tools.  If you set your user-agent to one of those 
types, please remove it so you may access the
1.1          (root     08-Jul-03):  web sites again. 
1.1          (root     08-Jul-03):
1.1          (root     08-Jul-03): srand ((double) microtime() * 1000);
1.1          (root     08-Jul-03): $indirizzi= array('ping', 'pong', 
'fsck', 'fling', 'sbum', 'pang', 'dumdedum', 'homer', 'simpson', 'bart', 
'curvaceous', 'anointed','kooyanisqatsi', 'quitter', 'elmerfoodbeat', 
'oingoboing', 'garmalina', 'osperitizia', 'formenterol', 'lamp', 'tmp', 
'dump', 'newbie', 'n00b', 'email', 'overload', 'chat', 'calf', 'high', 
1.1          (root     08-Jul-03): for($i=0; $i<100; $i++)
1.1          (root     08-Jul-03): {
1.1          (root     08-Jul-03):      
1.1          (root     08-Jul-03):      echo "<a 
href=mailto:$mail>$mail</a> ";
1.1          (root     08-Jul-03): }
1.1          (root     08-Jul-03): ?>

Yet from this link:


I get an error. Same as posted previously.

On Tue, 29 Jul 2003, Anil Madhavapeddy wrote:

> If you run 'cvs annotate' on a file when you are logged in as the same
> user as Apache is running under, what do you see?
> Make sure that works, and Chora should also work.
> -anil

Paul Laudanski / Zhen-Xjell

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