[chora] Re: PHP script for viewing subversion repositories

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Wed Aug 27 17:49:50 PDT 2003

Quoting "Jay Freeman (saurik)" <saurik at saurik.com>:

> Changing everything to use the VC global variable _seriously_ limits the
> usefulness of the library... in that last patch I believe I actually went to
> the trouble to change a few of those that I noticed that weren't needed (as
> this->rep was valid) to using this->rep. This assumes that you will only
> connect to one repository at a time... that's a really evil limitation for
> what's seeming like a rather good general purpose CVS/SVN library.

Okay. I'd be happy to have everything have a reference to the base object, but
I'd like to see it done in a cleaner way if possible; something along the lines
of having a setVC() method in the subclasses that the base class could call
when instantiating it.

I can try to look at this, but if you wanted to send a patch for it, I would
really really appreciate it.


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck at horde.org>
They're just looking at a wall of meat.

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