[chora] Re: PHP script for viewing subversion repositories

Jay Freeman (saurik) saurik at saurik.com
Thu Aug 28 01:30:02 PDT 2003


Ok... so I some questions about this :).

Why exactly do you want to have to make it a seperate "set the repository"
call rather than just passing it to the object's constructor (which is how
the standard mode of operation would be were this C++ or Java)? The key
example I'm looking at is CVSLib_Directory.

And then there's CVSLib_File. Were the cache to work as "first construct an
object, then pass a key for the object along with a reference to that object
to some cache storage object" then the course of action would be easy: I
construct the object with a repository reference (without actually saving
the repository reference in the object) and then save the object to the
cache. After saving it I set it's repository reference and start to use it.
Later, when I want the object again, I use it's key to recover it from the
cache (or construct it using the previous algorithm if I can't find it and I
get back a null reference) and then set its repository pointer. However, the
cache system is doing something that I find just downright scary, hehe... it
works by taking a string argument which is some kind of code snippet that it
runs to construct the object? Isn't that largely redundant? The only usage I
could see for that is if someone later wants that object and it got purged
from the cache and it needs to get recreated automatically, but in that
scenario it wouldn't have any of the other objects it needs to reconstruct
it anyway, and seemingly the person calling the cache function has to pass
the construction code in again anyway, in which case they might as well just
not get back an object at all, create the object, and then donate it back to
the cache...

*Is confused by these PHP ways, hehe.*

Jay Freeman (saurik)
saurik at saurik.com

----- Original Message -----
From: "Chuck Hagenbuch" <chuck at horde.org>
To: "Jay Freeman (saurik)" <saurik at saurik.com>
Cc: <wiz at groupnetwork.com>; <chora at lists.horde.org>; <redoz at redoz.com>
Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2003 7:49 PM
Subject: Re: [chora] Re: PHP script for viewing subversion repositories

> Quoting "Jay Freeman (saurik)" <saurik at saurik.com>:
> > Changing everything to use the VC global variable _seriously_ limits the
> > usefulness of the library... in that last patch I believe I actually
went to
> > the trouble to change a few of those that I noticed that weren't needed
> > this->rep was valid) to using this->rep. This assumes that you will only
> > connect to one repository at a time... that's a really evil limitation
> > what's seeming like a rather good general purpose CVS/SVN library.
> Okay. I'd be happy to have everything have a reference to the base object,
> I'd like to see it done in a cleaner way if possible; something along the
> of having a setVC() method in the subclasses that the base class could
> when instantiating it.
> I can try to look at this, but if you wanted to send a patch for it, I
> really really appreciate it.
> -chuck
> --
> Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck at horde.org>
> They're just looking at a wall of meat.

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