[chora] Re: PHP script for viewing subversion repositories

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Thu Aug 28 11:28:26 PDT 2003

Quoting "Jay Freeman (saurik)" <saurik at saurik.com>:

> Why exactly do you want to have to make it a seperate "set the repository"
> call rather than just passing it to the object's constructor (which is how
> the standard mode of operation would be were this C++ or Java)? The key
> example I'm looking at is CVSLib_Directory.

Eh, I was thinking it'd be cleaner for cases like CVSLib_File. I guess it's not
that important, as long as it's encapsulated in the CVSLib/SVNLib calls

(ie, passing $this from CVSLib::getFileObject() is fine; doing $foo =
$VC->queryDir($VC, $where) is just silly.

> And then there's CVSLib_File. Were the cache to work as "first construct an
> object, then pass a key for the object along with a reference to that object
> to some cache storage object" then the course of action would be easy: I
> construct the object with a repository reference (without actually saving
> the repository reference in the object) and then save the object to the
> cache. After saving it I set it's repository reference and start to use it.
> Later, when I want the object again, I use it's key to recover it from the
> cache (or construct it using the previous algorithm if I can't find it and I
> get back a null reference) and then set its repository pointer. However, the
> cache system is doing something that I find just downright scary, hehe... it
> works by taking a string argument which is some kind of code snippet that it
> runs to construct the object? Isn't that largely redundant? The only usage I
> could see for that is if someone later wants that object and it got purged
> from the cache and it needs to get recreated automatically, but in that
> scenario it wouldn't have any of the other objects it needs to reconstruct
> it anyway, and seemingly the person calling the cache function has to pass
> the construction code in again anyway, in which case they might as well just
> not get back an object at all, create the object, and then donate it back to
> the cache...

Because our Cache system has a driver for the Zend performance suite, and that's
how the ZPS API works.


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck at horde.org>
They're just looking at a wall of meat.

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