[chora] Chora displaying the wrong character of a cvs file

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Sat Apr 17 09:55:59 PDT 2004

Zitat von Aliet Santiesteban Sifontes <alietss at yahoo.com>:

> Hi all, I'm having a problem with chora when displaying the cvs 
> files, the problem is in the description of the last historic change, 
> in my case we speak spanish language, and all our own spanish 
> characters aren't showing, for example this is the right text 
> "a?adido un test " but chora is displaying this "añadido un test ", 
> as you can see is replacing ? with this ñ, the same is happen with 
> acents etc, if I make a cat to that file or a vi, I can see those 
> texts fine, but when chora displays them then they are wrong, if I 
> take that file and put it on the web server root directly and open 
> it, the same happens, I change the charset of my webser from utf-8 to 
> ISO-8859 and the same problem, I'm using Fedora Core 1, my system 
> locale is set to LANG=es_ES.UTF-8, php-4.3.4-1, httpd-2.0.48, does 
> any body knows how to fix this, is very important to us, and I will 
> really going to appreciate your help on this, on the console we can 
> work ok with those texts but we can't display it fine on
>   the web
>  server.

I don't really understand what Chora shows and what you expect it to show.
But beside that, the general problem is that chora has absolutely no idea
about the charset being used in the commit messages.


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