[chora] Direct links to diff.php and co.php
Jan Schneider
jan at horde.org
Tue Jun 28 01:44:44 PDT 2005
Zitat von Ivaylo Mihov <imihov at linkedin.com>:
> Jan,
> Thank you for the quick response. Some more details on my situation
> are below...
> On Jun 28, 2005, at 1:09 AM, Jan Schneider wrote:
>> Zitat von Ivaylo Mihov <imihov at linkedin.com>:
>>> I want to incorporate links to file diffs in the e-mails that get
>>> generated from CVS upon commits. I used to be able to link directly
>>> into Chora in previous versions. Now, it does not seem to be the case
>>> any longer. If this is the first time the browser hits that URL and
>>> it does not have the Horde cookie, it gets a redirect to '/horde/
>>> login.php&url=' with the original URL parameters encoded in the
>>> 'url=' parameter. This, however, does not work and breaks diff.php
>>> with a "Malformed Query" message.
>> You left out the most important information. What URL is the browser
>> redirected to after the authentication?
> Here is the URL that I have originally, which works if the browser
> has already visited the Horde instance:
> https://cvs.linkedin.com/horde/chora/diff.php?
> r1=1.84&r2=1.85&ty=h&f=network%2Fdeployment%2Fbuild.xml
> Here is the redirect if the browser has just been restarted:
> https://cvs.linkedin.com/horde/login.php?url=%2Fhorde%2Fchora%
> 2Fdiff.php%3Fr1%3D1.84%26amp%3Br2%3D1.85%26amp%3Bty%3Dh%26amp%3Bf%
> 3Dnetwork%252Fdeployment%252Fbuild.xml%26amp%3BHorde%
> 3Dsrus3ebaab7l8gq6atsgh0g5j5&Horde=srus3ebaab7l8gq6atsgh0g5j5
> The second one does not work.
Do you mean, you don't even get the login page? The url looks fine to me.
>>> Is there an easy way to circumvent the whole authentication mechanism
>>> that Horde imposes, use Chora a CVS web-front and have links like:
>>> https://cvs.somedomain.com/horde/chora/diff.php?
>>> r1=1.84&r2=1.85&ty=h&f=network/deployment/build.xml
>> Give guest permissions to Chora.
> I have already done that, my question was related to the session,
> which comes from Horde. I have configured Horde with auto-login and
> the default user for that is Guest, since I could not find any
> documentation on suggested values.
Do you need professional PHP or Horde consulting?
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