[chora] Direct links to diff.php and co.php
Ivaylo Mihov
imihov at linkedin.com
Tue Jun 28 02:24:53 PDT 2005
On Jun 28, 2005, at 1:44 AM, Jan Schneider wrote:
> Zitat von Ivaylo Mihov <imihov at linkedin.com>:
>> Jan,
>> Thank you for the quick response. Some more details on my situation
>> are below...
>> On Jun 28, 2005, at 1:09 AM, Jan Schneider wrote:
>>> Zitat von Ivaylo Mihov <imihov at linkedin.com>:
>>>> I want to incorporate links to file diffs in the e-mails that get
>>>> generated from CVS upon commits. I used to be able to link directly
>>>> into Chora in previous versions. Now, it does not seem to be the
>>>> case
>>>> any longer. If this is the first time the browser hits that URL and
>>>> it does not have the Horde cookie, it gets a redirect to '/horde/
>>>> login.php&url=' with the original URL parameters encoded in the
>>>> 'url=' parameter. This, however, does not work and breaks diff.php
>>>> with a "Malformed Query" message.
>>> You left out the most important information. What URL is the browser
>>> redirected to after the authentication?
>> Here is the URL that I have originally, which works if the browser
>> has already visited the Horde instance:
>> https://cvs.linkedin.com/horde/chora/diff.php?
>> r1=1.84&r2=1.85&ty=h&f=network%2Fdeployment%2Fbuild.xml
>> Here is the redirect if the browser has just been restarted:
>> https://cvs.linkedin.com/horde/login.php?url=%2Fhorde%2Fchora%
>> 2Fdiff.php%3Fr1%3D1.84%26amp%3Br2%3D1.85%26amp%3Bty%3Dh%26amp%3Bf%
>> 3Dnetwork%252Fdeployment%252Fbuild.xml%26amp%3BHorde%
>> 3Dsrus3ebaab7l8gq6atsgh0g5j5&Horde=srus3ebaab7l8gq6atsgh0g5j5
>> The second one does not work.
> Do you mean, you don't even get the login page? The url looks fine
> to me.
I don't get the login page because Chora is configured as Guest app.
I have the feeling that co.php cannot extract the URL encoded
parameters when they get encoded on the second link above. Browsing
the repository, however, works fine in both cases. Things don't work
when it comes to diff.php and co.php after a redirect. I see the
Horde sidebar with a link to CVS, but the page where I am supposed to
see the diff has two messages:
Last Login: Never
File Not Found: /export/apps/cvs/repos/,v
The first message is fine, since the browser was restarted. The
second one, though, looks like the URL encoded parameters were not
parsed at all.
>>>> Is there an easy way to circumvent the whole authentication
>>>> mechanism
>>>> that Horde imposes, use Chora a CVS web-front and have links like:
>>>> https://cvs.somedomain.com/horde/chora/diff.php?
>>>> r1=1.84&r2=1.85&ty=h&f=network/deployment/build.xml
>>> Give guest permissions to Chora.
>> I have already done that, my question was related to the session,
>> which comes from Horde. I have configured Horde with auto-login and
>> the default user for that is Guest, since I could not find any
>> documentation on suggested values.
> Huh?
> Jan.
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