[cvs] commit: horde/themes screen.css framework/UI/UI Pager.php

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Sun Jun 11 14:33:03 PDT 2006

chuck       2006-06-11 14:33:03 PDT

  Modified files:
    themes               screen.css 
    UI/UI                Pager.php 
  - move inline style to the main horde stylesheet since we already have
  a pager class.
  - make the pager "slide" the window of pages that are shown, instead
  of always assuming 1-$page_limit, 1+$page_limit-$page_limit * 2, etc.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.14      +11 -8     framework/UI/UI/Pager.php
  1.111     +6 -1      horde/themes/screen.css

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