[dev] Re: [imp] Message Filters

Max Kalika max@the-triumvirate.net
Sat, 11 Nov 2000 20:58:21 -0800

Quoting Max Kalika <max@the-triumvirate.net>:

> 2. It will not become an official part of 2.3. Filtering qualifies as a big
>    feature, and we've got a freeze on large features for 2.3 in the interest
>    of pushing it out sooner.
> 3. I'm happy to accept code to do filtering, and if someone else writes it
>    that'll accelerate the rate of it being included in IMP, but it will have
>    to be very cleanly written and well abstracted and as efficient as
>    possible to make it in.

oops...these were supposed to be quoted.

also I forgot to include the help patch:

[root@host imp]# cvs diff -u locale/en/help.xml 
Index: locale/en/help.xml
RCS file: /cvs/horde/imp/locale/en/help.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -r1.3 help.xml
--- locale/en/help.xml  2000/10/03 01:30:45     1.3
+++ locale/en/help.xml  2000/11/12 04:54:17
@@ -229,4 +229,44 @@
+<entry id="filters">
+    <title>Filters: Apply</title>
+    <heading>Apply Filter Rules</heading>
+    <para>
+      Click on the "Apply Filter" icon next to the INBOX name to filter all 
new undeleted messages according to the specified rules.
+    </para>
+<entry id="filters-list">
+    <title>Filters: Manage</title>
+    <heading>Manage Filter Rules</heading>
+    <para>
+      Select the filter rule to manage by clicking on the radio button next to 
the rule description.  Click on one of the action buttons.  Note that filter 
rules are applied only once per message therefore rule order is significatnt.  
Make sure you have the most important rules first.
+    </para>
+<entry id="filters-field">
+    <title>Filter Creation: Field</title>
+    <heading>Field</heading>
+    <para>
+    Select the field you want to apply the rule to.  "To:" -- the recepients' 
addresses.  "Cc:" -- the carbon-copied recepients' adresses.  "From:" -- the 
sender's address.  "Subject:" -- the message subject.
+    </para>
+<entry id="filters-text">
+    <title>Filter Creation: Text</title>
+    <heading>Text</heading>
+    <para>
+    Enter the text for which to scan when applying the rule.
+    </para>
+<entry id="filters-action">
+    <title>Filter Creation: Action</title>
+    <heading>Action</heading>
+    <para>
+    Choose the action to perform when the message matches the filter rule.  
If "move messages" action is selected, the folder must also be selected for the 
rule to take effect.  The destination folder must exist prior to creating the 
+    </para>
