[dev] trash folder

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Sun, 12 Nov 2000 20:28:05 -0500

Quoting Max Kalika <max@the-triumvirate.net>:

> I'm a bit confused.  I can't get the trash folder functionality to work. Here 
> are the offending lines:
> IMP_folder::create($imp['stream'], $trash_folder, $prefs->getValue
> ('subscribe')); 
> if (!imap_mail_copy($imp['stream'], $msg_list, $preamble . $trash_folder, 
> The folder creation leaves the $preamble string out, but the move line
> prepends it. Is this right? 

Nope. All of the other folder preferences leave off any $preamble, so I've
modified this to assume the same - ie, always include the $preamble. Try it as
of about now...


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
"If you can't stand the heat, get out of the chicken!" - Baby Blues