[dev] Error in preferences/database?
Michael Bull
Tue, 14 Nov 2000 11:50:39 -0500
At 04:19 PM 14/11/2000 +0000, you wrote:
>It suppresses any PHP errors or warning that result from the statement
>it preceeds.
Thanks; the errors go away, but the updates do not occur. I'll look into
what I can, but perhaps Jon Parise (sorry for the wayward 'h' I put in the
last subject line on this, Jon!) can shed some light? If it is a PHP
'bug', it would be good if the report can come from one of the resident
gurus -- I'm no stranger to code, but I'm still learning my way around PHP.
If I had to place my bets from looking at the code, I'd say the prefs logic
doesn't seem right, as it should recieve that error and then do an update,
even with the error messages? I'll keep doing my digging on this
afternoon. I'm doing an update from cvs while I'm at it.