[dev] filters
Anil Madhavapeddy
Wed, 15 Nov 2000 18:08:14 -0000
Chuck Hagenbuch wrote:
> Well, because this particular implementation doesn't rely on
> anything other than IMAP operations (and preferences).
> Anything that deals with procmail, sieve, etc _should_ be
> outside of IMP, but I'm willing to have this as a compromise for
> people who want filtering _in_ IMP. It's not as efficient or powerful as
> procmail and friends, but it will work for everyone.
Actually, I found it quite handy to mass-moves of messages
in folders (I didn't have a kronolith filter setup, and so it
all invaded my INBOX <g>) - setup the filter, apply it, delete it.
Some suggestions:
o Can we make the Field chooser checkboxes, so we can 'to or cc'
type choices?
o Select an actions by default in the radio buttons? E.g. the
'move message to' would be a good one, since what I tried was
just to select a folder and make a rule, but I didn't notice that
you had to explicitly select the radio button for that to work.
o If an error does happen, it would be nice to prefill the fields
that were entered by the user; a small error shouldn't wipe the
whole set of fields and need them to be re-entered.
Anil Madhavapeddy / "Oi luv moi brick!"
anil@recoil.org / - Father Jack