[dev] Re: [cvs] commit: imp mailbox.php navigator.php ...

Anil Madhavapeddy anil@recoil.org
Mon, 18 Dec 2000 23:25:27 +0000

Quoting Michael Bull <mbull@uoguelph.ca>:
> If that's done, I suggest Navigator get renamed to "folders".   It provides 
> functioning related to folders (add, create, delete, etc) and if someone 
> wasn't clear on the folder selection box on the inbox, they can still get 
> to their folders that way as well.

Yup, that was the original master plan :)

> Anil -- great work with the folder refreshes!  Only thing I'm noticing is 
> that I'm not getting a javascript popup -- I haven't gone through the code 
> yet; is that because that part of things hasn't been implemented? (If so, I 
> should be able to add one).

I had a look at it while doing the original commit, and meant to come 
back to it.  Problem is that I don't want to make a call to imap_status(),
since it can be very inefficient to query SA_UNSEEN - to quote the docs:

"Note that, depending upon implementation, some of these values may
be more costly to get than others.  For example, calculating the
number of unseen messages may require opening the mailbox and scanning
all of the message flags.  A mail_status() call should thus be used
with option flags specifying only the data that is actually needed."

Now, we do this in the navigator, and take a speed hit, but it would
be nice to avoid this in every single mailbox view if possible. 

I haven't really looked closely at the mailbox.php code yet, so 
there's probably another way to do it, but I just flew back to Ireland
and rediscovered the joys of modems, so going down to the 
pub (or ice-skating <g>) is a lot more preferable to coding remotely ... 

Anil Madhavapeddy, <anil@recoil.org>